Thursday, January 30, 2020

Criminal Theory Essay Example for Free

Criminal Theory Essay People with anti-social behaviors are defined by â€Å"A persuasive pattern of disregard for, and violation, of the rights of others that begins in early childhood or early adolescence and continues into adulthood. † (Walsh and Hemmens page 238) People with this disorder are up for greater health risks, for the disorder makes a person be a risk taker, usually engaging in smoking, alcohol, risky sexual behavior’s and drugs. Their also at risk for they are prone to depression, inflicting self-wounds and violent acts towards others. In this state of mind people are emotional, non-cognitive, and have low self-esteem. Making them act out in violent manners. This behavior is linked to childhood. As a child if something wasn’t right, they were shy or forgotten they probably put on a mask and faked being what society views as normal. They are not connected with society. And they do not understand social norms. They have become experts on faking feelings, and they do not know emotion or empathy. These people are deceitful, manipulative, egocentric, selfish and lacking guilt. Dealing with regards of crime and Anti-social disorder, the criminals often view that their victims were not â€Å"wrong†. Drug users viewing their addiction to a social norm that isn’t there. They do not understand what they are doing is wrong and have no sense of guilt or cognitive thinking process. They do not feel any kind of remorse for the things of which they have done simply because they cannot empathize with the people or actions against which they are offending. Neutralization theory was created by Skyes and Matza. This theory explains that the offender has a positive view on the crime he or she has committed. Also similar to Anti-Social individuals these criminals view that they have done nothing wrong. Unlike Anti-Social disorder, Neutralization theory states that the offender puts the excuses in their own head, not merely understanding the social norms. There are five techniques that Neutralization theory uses in justifying their crimes. The first way people neutralize their crimes and actions they have done is called â€Å"Denial of Responsibility† which is shifting the blame from the offender to the victim. An example is when a rapist says in court â€Å"she was asking for it the way she was dressed and or acting. † They feel absolutely no guilt for the crimes that they have committed. They feel no responsibility at all for the victim and their injuries. The second technique is called â€Å"Denial of Injury†. This is where the offender has no attachment to the crime and has not caused any real injury or offenses. An example of this would be a person breaking a entering and smashing a window in and claiming â€Å"the insurance will cover it. † â€Å"Denial of Victim† is the third technique. This is where the offender says the victim received what they deserved, almost viewed as karma. Most domestic cases portray this, saying significant other or victim got what they deserved from these actions. The fourth technique is â€Å"Condemnation of the Condemners† where the offender states part of the blame on the condemners. These condemners are police, parents, probation officers, etc. An example of this would be the criminal blaming the officer for planting evidence on them or the crime scene and not taking any of the responsibility that it was there’s. Number five is â€Å"Appeal to a Higher Loyalty†. This is where the offender in committed and or loyal to something or someone in their life for the greater good according to their beliefs. Things that would fall under this category re murder or assault. A good example of this would be a person under mafia rule murdering someone for the leader or the greater good of that mafia. Ted Bundy was made famous for his criminal actions. His five-state murder spree was not lightly forgotten. Bundy killed over 100 women and only gave information about where the bodies were of fifty of the acclaimed victims. Comparing hi s life, actions, and behavior point to Anti-Social Behavioral theory and Neutralization theory the most. Putting these theories to the test trying to profile a serial killer. Theodore Robert Cowell was born in 1946 to an single mother that moved in with her parents. He grew up thinking his grandparents were is parents and his mother was his sister. Later in life his mother married and he became Ted Bundy. Growing up he was a â€Å"normal† child, he was an attractive teen that was well liked in school. He did relatively well in his academics. He was known for being shy; people profiled him to be socially awkward. He never did grow out of this stage and the profile followed him to college. Bundy went first to the University of Puget Sound. It was a highly regarded school and many of its students were wealthy. This made ted feel inadequate and inferior due to financial aspects. He left and went to University of Washington. His shyness held him back with social activities and dating, but Bundy did find someone that he fell for. They had the same skiing passion, spending most of days on the slopes. And he soon fell in love and became obsessive. He tried impressing her with receiving scholarships and accomplishments but they fell flat. She ended the relationship saying he wasn’t going anywhere in life and wasn’t husband material. This haunted him for the rest of his life and fell into an extreme depression. While in this depression he had dropped out of school. His anti-social behavior got worse. Also during this time he found out who his mother actually was. Bundy was a on a slippery slope downhill, he was labeled as a petty thief. He soon came out of his depression had false bravo, went back to college and got a bachelor’s degree in psychology. With his new found self he was on top of the world. He was with a new woman that adored him and his first love wanted him back. He had one foot in the political arena. During his time at college women had gone missing from campus. They narrowed the quest down to a man asking for help then kidnapping the women. Bundy being smart realized it was only just a matter of time till local officials connected the dots. So Bundy moved to Utah and enrolled in the University of Utah. He didn’t stop his attacks just because he had moved. Women were being abducted and reported missing at the campus and malls around the city. While in Utah police had discovered a graveyard of bones. They eventually put the dots together and figured out it was Ted. They now knew that he was dealing with a criminal that could go across state lines. Bundy didn’t stop at Utah he also went to Colorado during ski season and killed women there before he was finally caught due to a car suspicion. He was charged with kidnapping charges. During his trial he was charged with murder of one known victim. But he escaped out the library widow being his own attorney. He made his way down to Florida where he rented a house at Florida State University. He was known for his sorority house killings. Ted Bundy was arrested again due to evidence of teeth impressions on a victim’s chest. He was charged with murder and recieved a plea bargain of three twenty five year sentences. He refused the plea and wanted another trail during this time new evidence came forward and at the new trail he was sentenced to death by means of the electric chair. Prior to his death he attempted over 100 murders, keeping some heads of his victims and necrophilia. When asked why he did everything he blamed it on his early exposures to pornography as his stimulants to his obsession with murder. Ted Bundy falls under a lot of different theories but Anti-Social Behavioral theory is most demanding. He was awkward in his youth, not in a strong stable family life, had difficulty dating and participating in other social events. He wore a mask covering himself from the world. He knew he was different and had to change or it would be noticed, so he became a well-known member of society and was respected. He felt no remorse for things that he had done. This action falls under Psychopathy, he found pleasure in re-living kills. Going towards Neutralization theory he blamed the women for the things that he had done. He connected them to his college girlfriend that had dumped him. That they needed to die because of what she did to him. That neutralized any feeling he had towards making these killings. He strongly viewed he was not at fault, and he plead not guilty until he was on the electric chair. In an interview he states â€Å"I don’t know what made people want to be friends. I don’t know what made people attractive to one another. I don’t know what underlays in these social interactions. † The above statement proves my point of the Anti-Social Behavior. He was lacking things that we as â€Å"normal† human beings understand. He goes on to answer the question â€Å"Are murders born or made? Nature vs. nurture? † it’s still an ongoing debate to this day. In my opinion and conclusion Ted Bundy was nurtured.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Physics of Sailing :: physics sail boat sailing boating

A boat floating can be greatly appreciated, especially if you are in the boat at the time. But what keeps a boat from sinking? Physics can explain these concepts. There are many forces that act on a sailing ship to put it in motion, but the buoyant force is what is required to keep the boat from sinking. A buoyant force is the normal force that pushes up on the boat supporting its weight in a fluid. The buoyant force "equals the weight of the fluid displaced by the object."(pg.427, Serway and Jewett) This concept is Archimede's Principle. The pressure on an object in a fluid varies with the depth of that part of the object in the fluid. B=(P b – P t)A = (Ï  fluidgh)A = Ï  fluidgV B=Buoyant force P b=pressure at bottom P t=pressure at top A=area of bottom face Ï  fluid=fluid density g=gravity h= height V=volume of fluid displaced by object (formula from pg. 428, Serway and Jewett) "The fraction of the volume of a floating object that is below the fluid surface is equal to the ratio of the density of the object to that of the fluid."(p.429, Serway and Jewett) V fluid/Vobj = Ï  obj/Ï  fluid Vobj=volume of the object Ï  obj=density of the object Buoyancy of the craft is created by the shape of the hull, but also with buoyant materials in specific places. Air tanks, buoyancy bags, and polystyrene blocks are all used to add buoyancy to a boat. The figure below shows how the buoyant material should be distributed and the effects if it is not. figure from The Handbook of Sailing The distrubution of buoyancy is key to having the boat float properly. Bernoulli's principle is that the air moving past a foil, an object that has one curved side and one flat side, will take longer to move past the curved side than the flat side of the foil. This will cause the flat side to have higher air pressure and to exert a force on the object. The force cause a planes wing to lift and a sail to push a boat. "With the wind pushing on one side of the sails and the water pushing on the other side of the centerboard, the boat moves forward." (p. 35, Dellenbaugh) The angle at which sailing is important. A 45 degree angle to the wind is the most effective angle. Wind is what propels a sailing ship so weather has a large impact on the craft. Certain weather conditions are not suitable for sailing or specific crafts.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Plato’s Ideal City

The Ideal City In Plato’s book â€Å"Republic† he describes what he thinks would be an ideal city, for this city to be ideal it would have to be just. In his just city there are three classes of people; gold, silver, and bronze/iron; known as the National Division of Labor. The guardians of the city are placed in the gold category, the auxiliaries in the silver, and the farmers and craftsmen are in the bronze/iron category. Plato argues that the National Division of Labor reflects the requirements of nature and produces a harmonious whole. Wisdom, courage, moderation, and justice are the four virtues that this ideal city must have to be just. The guardians, also known as philosopher kings, being in the gold class of the city, are wise, knowledgeable, and most importantly they are philosophers. They enjoy learning about forms and think that anything else won’t bring somebody happiness. They believe that forms are the highest level of happiness and that by learning about and understanding forms brings knowledge. To be a guardian they must be ruled by their reason and not let spirit or appetites take over. They are responsible for ruling the city. Guardians are not allowed to make any money or have a job outside of guardianship nor are they able to own anything. At childhood they start an extensive amount of study in music, poetry, and physical training. The study of these subjects develops harmony between them and is said to be good for the soul. Plato argues that â€Å"a good soul by its own virtue makes the body as good as possible† (403d). In the silver class of the city are the auxiliaries, or in other words the warriors. These people have to be courageous; they are responsible for protecting the city and keeping everything at peace. They love victory and honor and go through massive physical training to be strong for battle and enforce the laws of the guardians. Instead of focusing on forms, like the guardians, auxiliaries put their focus towards particulars. That is essential in the job that they have because they need to understand what particulars are and how they operate to be able to fight. If they the people in the silver class flourish and thrive in their jobs, then they will experience happiness. Just like the lives of the guardians, the lives of the auxiliaries are completely controlled; they all live in the same place and don’t have any privacy, they all eat the same thing and have their schedule planned out for them and they’re not allowed to own anything. They’re not allowed to make any money or have anything that isn’t needed to be a warrior. Basically, the auxiliaries don’t have lives other than training. The farmers and craftsmen are considered to be in the bronze/iron category, they are the producers of the city. Unlike the guardians and auxiliaries, they tend to be ruled by their appetites other than reason and spirit. The farmers and craftsmen seem to focus more on belief and opinion other than the forms or particulars. They have more creativity than the guardians and auxiliaries which was highly despised of by Plato. Plato believed that imagination was nothingness and ignorance; he did not think that it helped you flourish or thrive in any way. He said that a thing such as art and imagination only brought pleasure and not knowledge, which he said wasn’t happiness. Even if you were and artist and you flourished and thrived in that area you still weren’t considered to be happy because you don’t know anything about the forms and art is projected as ignorance. They are able to have jobs, make money, buy and sell property, and own whatever they want. Farmers and craftsmen are considered free people compared to guardians and auxiliaries, they only have to follow certain rules obtained by the guardians. The city wouldn’t be able to exist without the bronze/iron category; the farmers and craftsmen grow all the food and make every product that is needed. If I had to choose which category I would like to be in I would choose the bronze/iron category. I wouldn’t prefer to be in the gold or silver category because I wouldn’t want my life completely controlled and not be able to have any privacy. Having my life all about the rest of the city and having my life planned out isn’t something that I would enjoy, I would want to make my own decisions and not having them made for me. Sure you could say that that is selfish and unjust but that is what would truly make me happy. Plato says that to truly be happy that you have to flourish and thrive as opposed having pleasure. I think that if I was in the bronze/iron class that I would flourish and thrive because in that class I have more opportunities to succeed in different areas of life. In the bronze/iron class you are able to live your own life, the life you want to live instead of being told what to do and how to live every day. In this ideal and just city, everyone: the guardians, auxiliaries, and farmers and craftsmen, have to do their own task, otherwise it wouldn’t be just. The people in these three classes all have to flourish and thrive in whichever class they are in. The guardians can’t do the job of the auxiliaries or the farmers and craftsmen, the auxiliaries can’t do the job of the guardians or farmers and craftsmen, and the farmers and craftsmen can’t do the job of the guardians or auxiliaries. If everything works out the way that Plato plans, then this ideal and just city would be the perfect utopia.

Monday, January 6, 2020

School Uniforms Should Be Implemented Throughout K 12...

Bobby Mishra Mrs. Bezemek Apps of Comp 24 November 2014 School Uniforms According to a study done by the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) said that the popularity of school uniforms are clearly on the rise. Now more schools have uniforms rising from 28 percent to 49 percent in thirteen years (Tucker). School uniforms can help improve behavior leading to safer schools and safer communities. School uniforms can also lead to an increase in academic behavior leading to better grades, better colleges, and better lives. School uniforms should be implemented in K-12 public because they help improve student behavior and increase academic success. According to Marian Wilde, who writes for GreatSchools ¸ uniforms prevent gangs from forming on campus and encourage discipline (Wilde). Even Virginia Ann Bendel Draa, who wrote School Uniforms in Urban Public High Schools, said that school uniforms reduced the amount of suspensions in the school she did the study with (Draa). School Uniforms will create a safer school environment for kids because the students are less likely to get into trouble when at school while wearing school uniforms. Safer schools equals safer children. While having security guards at schools help prevent violence, they do not get rid of violence completely. Schools uniforms also decrease the amount of bullying because bullying can be triggered by many things like not having fashionable clothes (Armerding). School uniforms take away theShow MoreRelatedLiterature Review: No Child Left Behind Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act3199 Words   |  13 PagesStates of America. The law affirms that the US g overnment does not accept public school system that does not educate all children under same curriculum and standards. 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